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--------- Archived Leagues/Seasons ---------
Summer (13461)
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10U Cardinals - Altizer 65/46
10U Cardinals - Neal/Gilbert 65/46
10U Cardinals - Wilde 65/46
10U Nitro - Boyd 60/35
10U Nitro-Dixon 60/35
10U Playoff Away 60/35
10U Playoff Away 65/46
10U Playoff Home 60/35
10U Playoff Home 65/46
11/12U Playoff Away 70/50
11/12U Playoff Home 70/50
11U Cardinals - Mancini 70/50
12U Cardinals - Raepsaet 70/50
13/14U Playoff Away 80/54
13/14U Playoff Home 80/54
13U Cardinals - Hoffmeyer 80/54
13U Cardinals - Hughesdon 80/54
14U Cardinals - Stalter 90/60
15U Cardinals - Dixon 90/60
8U Nitro-Chittaro 60/35
9U Cardinals - Malvitz 65/46
9U Playoff Away 65/46
9U Playoff Home 65/46
Angels-Bloch 60/35
Angels-Gomez 60/na
Angels-Reid 65/46
Astros-Belcher 65/46
Astros-Fritz 70/50
Astros-Green 80/54
Athletics-Boyd 60/na
Athletics-Malvitz 70/50
Athletics-McCabe 60/na
Athletics-Miller 80/54
Athletics-Siegfried 60/na
Blue Jays-Bechtel 60/na
Blue Jays-Howard 60/na
Blue Jays-Pugh 65/46
Brewers-Noel 60/35
Bye 11/12U
Bye-No Game
Canton Tigers-Terena/Lemieux 60/43
Cubs-Dingman 65/46
Cubs-Laser 80/54
Dodgers-Sobieski 60/40
Dodgers-Wright 65/46
Livonia Bears- Reamy Johnson 60/43
Livonia Bears-Neely 60/35
Livonia Bruins-Mathis 60/35
Livonia Bulldogs-Comps 60/40
Livonia Bulldogs-Tanner 60/43
Livonia Sun Devils-Cronenwett 60/40
Marlins-Davis 65/46
Marlins-Keatts 70/50
Marlins-Peszko 60/na
Mets-Leimback/Dibble 70/50
Mets-Matthews 60/40
Northville Black-Crozier 80/54
Northville Fillies-Ballew 60/35
Northville Graphite-Currier 90/60
Northville Grey-Sharkey 80/54
Northville Orange-Henzi 80/54
Northville Ponies -Baltic 60/35
Northville Stallions-O'Boyle 60/40
PC Spirit - McAuliffe 60/43
PC Spirit - Miller 60/43
PC Spirit - Wozniak 60/43
Pirates-Estrada 60/na
Pirates-Mezgec 60/na
Pirates-Reyes 65/46
Pirates-Sobieski 60/na
Purple Cobras-Konwerski 60/43
Rangers-Inkrott 70/50
Red Sox-Matthews 60/na
Red Sox-Panagiotides 70/50
Red Sox-Siegfried CP2 60/na
Red Sox-Williams 60/na
Reds-Adams 80/54
Reds-Spuller 65/46
Tigers-Black 60/na
Tigers-Blue-Harding 60/na
Tigers-Blue-Karaali 60/na
Tigers-Cacciola 60/na
Tigers-Cacciola 65/46
Tigers-Green 70/50
Tigers-Mero 60/na
Tigers-Neu 60/35
Tigers-Orange-Brennan 60/na
Tigers-Orange-O'Neill 60/na
Tigers-Stalter 90/60
Tigers-Tereba 60/43
------------ Archived Teams ------------
10U Cardinals - DeMetsenare 65/46 (21650)
10U Playoffs Away 65/46 (18045)
10U Playoffs Home 65/46 (18044)
11/12U Playoffs Away 70/50 (18051)
11/12U Playoffs Home 70/50 (18048)
11U Cardinals - M Smith 70/50 (26055)
11U Ironwood Flames - Stiglish (22186)
12U Cardinals - Rutherford 70/50 (21672)
13/14U American Playoffs Away 80/54 (38606)
13/14U American Playoffs Home 80/54 (38605)
13/14U National Playoffs Away 90/60 (48375)
13/14U National Playoffs Home 90/60 (48374)
13U Cardinals - Johnston 80/54 (21513)
14U Cardinals - Richardson 80/54 (21678)
15U Cardinals - Yeager 90/60 (21677)
9U Playoffs Away 65/46 (16020)
9U Playoffs Home 65/46 (16021)
Angels-Cotter 70/50 (26075)
Angels-Didona 60/na (22287)
Angels-Ditmar 60/35 (22818)
Angels-Ditmar 60/43 (34144)
Angels-Gaden 70/50 (22280)
Angels-Ojeda 60/na (22246)
Angels-Paine 65/46 (25995)
Angels-Reid 65/46 (46223)
Angels-Styles 65/46 (26001)
Angels-Wlosinski 60/43 (42561)
Astros-Burke 60/na (25994)
Astros-Didona 70/50 (62197)
Astros-Didona Coach Pitch 60/na (42548)
Astros-Gaden 65/46 (34038)
Astros-Green 70/50 (22272)
Astros-M Smith 65/46 (26061)
Astros-Mero 60/na (34006)
Astros-Yeager 80/54 (26083)
Athletics-Adams 70/50 (26070)
Athletics-Chittaro 65/46 (22293)
Athletics-Devries 60/na (25992)
Athletics-Fritz 60/na (22290)
Athletics-Gerrity 65/46 (22270)
Athletics-Gerrity 70/50 (26065)
Athletics-Gurriere 65/46 (22267)
Athletics-Kagey 60/na (22248)
Athletics-McCabe 60/na (62191)
Athletics-Roring 60/na (34125)
Away Team (14195)
Blue Jays-Blakita 70/50 (46231)
Blue Jays-Buelow 70/50 (26066)
Blue Jays-Callies 65/46 (22294)
Blue Jays-Howard 60/na (34007)
Braves-J Johnson 70/50 (26068)
Braves-Regner 65/46 (25991)
Brewers-Gerber 80/54 (26088)
Brewers-Gulbernat 70/50 (22277)
Brewers-Miller 60/na (22289)
Brewers-Obrigkeit 90/60 (46230)
Brewers-Roring 60/35 (34130)
Brewers-Roring 60/na (22820)
Brewers-Urquhart 60/43 (22846)
Bye #1 (16540)
Bye #2 (16608)
Bye (23692)
Bye - No Game (46565)
Bye 11/12U (42554)
Bye 9U (37254)
Bye for 13/14U (42846)
Bye Grade 5/6 (26097)
Bye Grade 7/8 A (26104)
Bye-10U (46225)
Bye-Grade 7/8 (26102)
Bye-No Game (34072)
Canton Braves 90/60 (35414)
Canton Red Sox-Decker 90/60 (23687)
Canton Thunder 90/60 (35413)
Canton Tigers-Mullen 90/60 (23688)
Canton Yankees 90/60 (35412)
Canton Yankees-Konwerski 60/43 (47187)
Cardinals-Eicher 90/60 (46229)
Cardinals-Hughesdon 70/50 (26074)
Cubs-Baron 60/na (34133)
Cubs-Boyer 60/na (62204)
Cubs-Carmendy 70/50 (22279)
Cubs-Debruin 60/35 (34126)
Cubs-Ferguson 60/43 (22845)
Cubs-Goodhart 60/35 (42559)
Cubs-Malvitz 65/46 (25987)
Cubs-Murphy 60/43 (22847)
Cubs-Noel 60/na (25986)
Cubs-Urquhart 60/35 (22819)
Diamondbacks-Douglas 80/54 (22447)
Dodgers-Broggio 70/50 (26067)
Dodgers-Socola 60/43 (22849)
Expos-Buelow 65/46 (22271)
Expos-Raepsaet 80/54 (46227)
Flames-Obrigkeit 80/54 (37031)
Flames-Stiglish 70/50 (32778)
Garden City 1 60/43 (62208)
Garden City 2 60/43 (62209)
Garden City 3 60/43 (62210)
Garden City Orange Crush 60/35 (47055)
GC Orange 60/na (43488)
GC Pink 60/na (43490)
GC Purple 60/na (43489)
Giants-Allen 80/54 (26078)
Giants-Belcher 70/50 (26071)
Giants-DeBruin 60/na (22800)
Giants-Estrada 60/na (34134)
Giants-Fleeger 65/46 (25996)
Giants-Hanner 70/50 (22274)
Giants-O'Hara 60/35 (42560)
Grade 7/8 Playoff Away 80/54 (26092)
Grade 7/8 Playoff Home 80/54 (26091)
Guardians-Adams 60/na (42547)
Guardians-Baron 60/na (34012)
Guardians-McInnes 60/na (42551)
Howell Highlanders 90/60 (35415)
Livonia Tigers 60/43 (47189)
Livonia 1 60/43 (47188)
Livonia Athletika 90/60 (35416)
Livonia Bears 10/35 (47054)
Livonia Bears-Cavazos/Traub 60/35 (47057)
Livonia Bears/Bruins 60/43 (47192)
Livonia Bruins-King 60/43 (22848)
Livonia Hawks-Gillies 90/60 (64050)
Livonia Hawks-Jones 90/60 (23690)
Livonia Hawks-Kewin 90/60 (35417)
Livonia Sundevils 60/43 (47193)
Livonia Volunteers 60/na (43491)
Livonia Volunteers-Astle 60/43 (22851)
Lugnuts-Blair 80/54 (26079)
Lugnuts-Lopez 80/54 (22446)
Lugnuts-McInnes 60/35 (42558)
Lugnuts-McInnes 65/46 (22283)
Marlins-Estrada/Kagey 60/na (25983)
Mets-J O'Neill 60/na (62206)
Mets-Mancini 65/46 (25997)
Mets-Morris 65/46 (22265)
Mets-O'Neill 60/na (42556)
Mets-Wares 60/na (22285)
Nationals-Kelly 90/60 (37029)
Northville 15-18U 90/60 (64051)
Northville Black-Cloud 80/54 (26263)
Northville Black-McMahon 90/60 (35419)
Northville Black-Muhlbauer/Hutto 80/54 (37257)
Northville Black-Testani 80/54 (22409)
Northville Majestics 60/43 (47191)
Northville Mayburys 60/43 (62207)
Northville Mill Races 60/43 (47190)
Northville Orange-Brohl 80/54 (22408)
Northville Orange-Hutto 80/54 (26081)
Northville Orange-Lutton 80/54 (37256)
Northville Orange-Porco 90/60 (35418)
Northville Orange-Sharkey 80/54 (42555)
Northville Softball 60/43 (37255)
Northville-Ivezaj 90/60 (23691)
Novi-Orr 90/60 (35420)
Orioles-England 60/na (22802)
Orioles-Estrada 60/na (33997)
Orioles-Hanner 60/43 (22852)
Orioles-Moran 80/54 (26089)
Padres-Blevins 65/46 (42550)
Padres-Boyd 65/46 (22269)
Padres-Boyd 70/50 (26064)
Pandas-Camiller 80/54 (37030)
PCLL Purple Cobras 60/43 (62918)
PCLL Wolves 60/43 (62919)
Phillies-Duffy 80/54 (26085)
Phillies-Meador 60/na (22296)
Phillies-Vandefifer 80/54 (22448)
Pirates-Andridge 80/54 (26077)
Pirates-Inkrott 65/46 (22300)
Pirates-Sobieski 60/na (42542)
Pirates-Wilde 60/na (25978)
Pirates-Wilde 65/46 (25990)
Pirates-Young 60/na (22299)
Pirates-Zajdel/Strucel 70/50 (26069)
Playoff Home 80/54 (16024)
Playoff Away 60/35 (24508)
Playoff Away 60/35 (35890)
Playoff Away 60/35 (44987)
Playoff Away 60/43 (16047)
Playoff Away 70/50 (24038)
Playoff Away 80/54 (16025)
Playoff Home 60/35 (24507)
Playoff Home 60/35 (35889)
Playoff Home 60/35 (44986)
Playoff Home 60/43 (16046)
Playoff Home 70/50 (24037)
Playoff Home 80/54 (35843)
Rangers-Douglas 80/54 (26082)
Rangers-Howard 70/50 (26076)
Rays-Estrada 60/na (42543)
Rays-Glaspie 80/54 (22450)
Red Sox-Fritz 60/na (33993)
Red Sox-Nickerson 60/na (22251)
Red Sox-Panagiotides 60/35 (34127)
Red Sox-Rogin 70/50 (22275)
Red Sox-Rogin 80/54 (37027)
Red Sox-Ryan 80/54 (26086)
Reds-Adams/Meekins 60/na (34010)
Reds-Bartnicki 60/na (22286)
Reds-Gaden 70/50 (62198)
Reds-Gorman 60/na (22295)
Reds-Jakubik 60/43 (34143)
Reds-Kagey 65/46 (22268)
Reds-Kagey 70/50 (26063)
Reds-Spuller 60/na (22250)
Reds-Spuller 65/46 (42549)
Reds-Weiss 80/54 (22445)
Reds-Zielinski 70/50 (22276)
River Bandits-Boyd 65/46 (22291)
River Bandits-Boyd SB 60/na (22801)
Rockies-Miller 60/na (25988)
Rockies-Miller 60/na (33996)
Royals-Fish 60/na (25985)
Royals-Smith 65/46 (25998)
Softball Bye (42562)
Softball Prep 60/35 (62981)
Softball Prep 60/43 (62980)
Storm-Hoffmeyer 65/46 (26000)
Storm-Koontz 70/50 (22281)
Storm-Wingrove 65/46 (22264)
Tigers-Bechtel 60/na (42544)
Tigers-Bilko 65/46 (22273)
Tigers-Blue Adams 60/na (42873)
Tigers-Blue-England 60/na (22462)
Tigers-Blue-Fox 60/na (22459)
Tigers-Blue-Gacioch 60/na (42877)
Tigers-Blue-Howard 60/na (22464)
Tigers-Blue-Kuntz 60/na (22463)
Tigers-Blue-Lyons 60/na (22465)
Tigers-Blue-Matthews 60/na (42878)
Tigers-Blue-O'Neill 60/na (22457)
Tigers-Blue-Soergel 60/na (26155)
Tigers-Blue-Wohlfert 60/na (42876)
Tigers-Boyer 60/na (42557)
Tigers-Cacciola 60/na (25979)
Tigers-Chittaro 80/54 (26084)
Tigers-Dattilio 70/50 (22278)
Tigers-Davis 65/46 (42552)
Tigers-Davis 80/54 (26080)
Tigers-Ferguson 60/35 (22821)
Tigers-Green 65/46 (22284)
Tigers-Kagey 65/46 (46222)
Tigers-Kagey 65/46 (46221)
Tigers-Kahanec 60/35 (37033)
Tigers-Kahanec 60/35 (47058)
Tigers-Kahanec 60/na (34135)
Tigers-Marietti 60/35 (34128)
Tigers-Meier 60/na (22803)
Tigers-Moreno 60/43 (22850)
Tigers-Myshock 60/na (22247)
Tigers-Myshock 60/na (62192)
Tigers-Myshook 60/na (34008)
Tigers-Orange-Adams 60/na (22461)
Tigers-Orange-Gacioch 60/na (26156)
Tigers-Orange-Gage 60/na (42874)
Tigers-Orange-Johnston 60/na (43618)
Tigers-Orange-Mezgec 60/na (22458)
Tigers-Orange-Mezgec60/na (42875)
Tigers-Orange-Proctor 60/na (22466)
Tigers-Orange-Rini 60/na (62213)
Tigers-Orange-Sobieski 60/na (34554)
Tigers-Orange-Toth 60/na (22460)
Tigers-Sobieski 60/na (25993)
Tigers-Sutton 65/46 (22266)
Tigers-Sutton/Dattilio 80/54 (46228)
Wesland Rockies 65/46 (43244)
Westland (43263)
Westland 15-18U 90/60 (64052)
Westland Angels 65/46 (43101)
Westland Cobras 10U 65/46 (62196)
Westland Cobras 65/46 (62202)
Westland Redbirds 65/46 (62201)
Westland Rockies 65/46 (43102)
Westland Royals 70/50 (43032)
Westland Storm-Osborne 90/60 (35421)
Westwood Hoyas-Johnson 90/60 (23689)
White Sox- Smith 65/46 (22263)
White Sox-Ferguson 80/54 (22449)
White Sox-Ferguson 80/54 (26087)
Yankees-Fritz 65/46 (22298)
Yankees-Hudson 60/na (33994)
Yankees-Konwerski 60/35 (22822)
Yankees-Konwerski 60/43 (34145)
Yankees-Lyons 60/na (34009)
Yard Goats-Serman 80/54 (26090)
Select Division
Baseball 10U-Grade 4
Baseball 11/12U-Grades 5/6
Baseball 9U-Grade 3
Baseball Ages 13/14 - Grade 7/8 -American
Baseball Ages 14U Travel - National
Coach Pitch Grade 1
Coach Pitch Grade 2
Fast-Pitch Travel Softball
HS 15-18U
Small Ball
Softball 11/12U
Softball 13/14U
Softball 9/10U
Softball Coach Pitch 7/8U
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